Sunday 9 October 2022

Global Community of Chief Happiness Officers


Working with Vienna Hub and The Learning Street in collaboration to build a global community of Chief Happiness Officers in schools, companies and organisations, sharing best practice and growing collective wisdom.


- to increase awareness of Happiness

- to educate people about Happiness

- to run Happiness programs in those organisations

Process - initially propose small discussion groups ( online / in person ) based around Chapter 1 of The Happy Manifesto which you can download for free here . Run a week of events in Mariahilf, Vienna. Connect to other Chief Happiness Officers initially here on facebook with intention to share your Happiness Action Plans with others.

Friendly support ( sought ) from Action for Happiness / The Happy Manifesto / WiG 

note, this comes about from updating SMART goals for 2023 with #2. 527 CHOs with a local Happiness Plan


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