Tuesday 18 July 2023


What would your best summer ever look like ? 

( ChatGPT version - "MyGOST is a program with three slides: background, goal, and actions. It emphasizes SMART Goals and the components of Objectives, Strategies, and Tactics. It invites 12 people for an Adventure Dining Program, exploring cultures in Global Citizen Education. Weekly meetings review team progress and offer three suggestions for advancement. The program prompts thinking and motivates action. " )

The summer has started, but it's not over, and even if you have nothing booked it is not too late to make something awesome appear.

We invite you to join us for a 33 minute session, yes Thirty Three Minutes, zoom or in person, during which time we talk with you about the program which we outline here for you. The 33 minutes is usually before or after a meal if in person.

The program is called MyGOST(c) and comprises a slide about who you are, a Goal statement about where you want to get to, and a slide about what you are doing to get there. "GOST" -The G comes from Goal, which is a SMART Goal that one learns of in the prelearning, and OST comes from the 3 columns of three items - Objectives, Strategies and Tactics that one creates and executes in order to reach the goal. We explore your top three objectives and create strategies and Tactics ( or actions ) from those. In a group of 12 we invite you to meet with us and others, over food, in an Adventure Dining Program where we explore other cultures, as part of our Global Citizen Education program. We gather together each week for 4 weeks, and review the progress of the team, and offer 3 suggestions to each of the other 11 players, things that might move them forward, faster.  It provokes you to think, and perhaps them to act.

Sample slide below from Rita, Amin and others:-


expected outcomes:-

you get to know yourself better

you get to meet interesting people in interesting places

you learn new stuff


The Learning Street July News here 

Obeeezybee Art Show here 

Next step if interested - facebook group here - for group chat about dates / times / ages - we are looking at a group of 5 to 10 year olds with parents/Guardians, of the Parents/Guardians, a group of 18 and 19 year old teenagers, a group of seniors, and a group of mixed agers. Cost of program - your meals and drinks, and freie spende for the support of the program at each lunch or meeting as desired. No consumption is required and no donation is required. This can be as free as we desire you to be.


Blogger nige said...

in order to move things further faster there is in addition a 4 day project sprint - more on that here https://thelearningstreet.blogspot.com/2023/07/bestsummerever-project-sprint.html

19 July 2023 at 18:17  

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