Vienna Happiness Project “spreading happiness” - Build a network of 527 Chief Happiness Officers in schools, companies and organisations ( Vienna bezirks ) by end 2023, who promote happiness using tools such as the Action for Happiness Toolkit for Schools, Happy Cafes in cafeterias, and The Happy Manifesto.
2. 527 CHOs with a local Happiness Plan
1. Approach leaders of 4th and 6th districts in Vienna, asking them to read the first chapter of The Happy Manifesto and see how they feel it might be applied to their district ( Also Mr Happy and Happy City and ten keys to Happier LIfe )
2. Launch a Vienna Happiness Project / Happy District Happiness plan in 4th and 6th, run by local project managers and teams drawn from locals under guidance of a Chief Happiness Officer for Vienna / the district.
3. Create a centre of energy ( hub ) in each district with a surrounding set of nodes for Happiness ( Happinodes ? )
4. Teams perhaps approach schools to pilot the Action for Happiness schools program
5. Teams perhaps approach local companies to read the Happy Manifesto and join a meeting at the WKÖ
chapter one, as part of the pdf can be downloaded here